My son is off school today and the apples set really hard
this year—to the point where enormous branches are breaking off because they
can’t hold up all the fruit—so we went out and picked five gallons of apples,
mostly windfalls, to make cider. His processing job was to hack the apples to
pieces, which he enjoyed very much. My job was to run the pieces through the
food processor to turn them into tiny bits. Then we fed them into my
grandmother’s old juice press, taking turns twisting the augur and holding the
press on the countertop (it’s inclined to torque around and fly off). And
shazam: in ninety minutes we had turned five gallons of fruit into exactly one
gallon of cider. And this cider is delicious. The flavor is not over-sweet—it
is tart and sweet both, and just right.
The Administration advises you to leave your geese alone.
You can spend as much time as you want, devising ways to improve their lot, and
five minutes later they will discover that badly patched place where you
overlapped the ends of two short pieces of fence, and they will all start
coming and going that way in perfect happiness.